
Bons Vivants is a Dinner Group at rotating attendees houses, objectives are:

  • To offer an intimate setting for social exchange between like-minded VRMNC members.
  • To include spouses in this VRMNC activity.
  • To showcase the VRMNC member participants’ cooking skills.
  • To have fun as amateur chefs and possibly to share recipes and tips.

All spouses can assist in the preparation of the course or contribution for which their husband is responsible, but in the spirit of showcasing the cooking prowess of the VRMNC member, they should limit their assistance to that of sous chef.


Gerry Delval


Host Member’s home.


Normally on second Thursday of month, but time and date to fit host and attendee’s schedules.


Open to all VRMNC Members and guests who may be interested in joining the club.



  • Responsible for the overall logistics of the meal and to coordinate all relevant information with the guests.
  • Will prepare the main course (his choice of meat and vegetables).
  • Supply coffee and tea.
  • Insure that each of the guests knows what he will be bringing.  This may include specific instructions about their contribution.  For instance, if the host decides to prepare an Italian main course, he may want the guests contributions to also be Italian in nature.


  • Responsible to bring the other courses an appetizer, a salad, cheese with bread and/or crackers, a desert.

More Info

The host will also be responsible to coordinate all relevant information with the guests.

The host will supply coffee and tea.

The host will insure that each of the guests knows what he will be bringing.  This may include specific instructions about their contribution.  For instance, if the host decides to prepare an Italian main course, he may want the guests contributions to also be Italian in nature.

VRMNC Bons Vivants, Logo
20230209 VRMNC – Bon Vivants Dinner
20230209 VRMNC – Bon Vivants Dinner
20230209 VRMNC – Bons Vivants, Dinner Left
20230209 VRMNC – Bons Vivants, Dinner Right
20230112 VRMNC – Bon Vivants, Guys Cooking
20230112 VRMNC – Bon Vivants, Guys Cooking
20230112 VRMNC – Bon Vivants, Guys In Kitchen
20230112 VRMNC – Bon Vivants, Guys In Kitchen
202001 VRMNC – Bons Vivants
20190510 VMNC Bons Vivants – African2
20190510 VMNC Bons Vivants – African1
20190510 VMNC Bons Vivants – French1
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