Join The Hiking Group!
Join the Men’s Hiking Group for the location of our Secret Clubhouse ???
Join the Men’s Hiking Group for the location of our Secret Clubhouse ???
Summary of responses from new Members to questionnaire circulated by Wally Lazuruk.
Every stage of life has its challenges. In our third stage of life, we can approach these challenges with wisdom. We can decide what is most important in life, make good decisions, develop a life plan and manage any stress we experience.
Ken Brown Kim-Yip Chun Walter Drechsel Richard Singleton George Kolk Norbert Michallik John Pierce Marcel Mercier
Now that the new VMNC website is fully operational, we are adding PayPal to its features and are changing the method of annual dues payment to a fully on-line process. This will integrate the liability waiver acceptance by members and the dues payment process. At present, we are not using PayPal for anything but the annual dues, but may include lunches and other events at a later date.
Summer is gradually arriving and, with it, several of our activities cease for a few months. In September, we shall gear up again for a full schedule. Of note will be the Christmas lunch and Chinese New Year dinner – which we hope new members will wish to attend; details in the Fall. Glenn Soares is looking to continue the array of one-off events that he has successfully organized this past season.
Visit our Government House for a guided tour of the ceremonial home of all British Columbians. Valerie Raymond, former Canadian High Commissioner and Ambassador, has once again agreed to be our docent. She will outline the role and responsibilities of the Lieutenant Governor. Valerie will explain the fascinating history, architecture and native artifacts. As well, she will share the story of the drawings on the ceilings of this National Historic Site.