Club Chat is for Members to discuss anything such as 1) car pool to a Field Trip, 2) an existing Activity or 3) brain-storm / start a new regular or one off activity (ie Happy Hour Group, Travel Info Group, Cooking Class, Volunteer with Our Place, travel ideas to Portugal, Nova Scotia . . . ).

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Club Chat

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Any further thoughts on a pickle ball group? I see it was mentioned in the past, wondering if anything further developed

Start a group, Chris! I would think you will receive interest quite quickly. I would join!

Hi,does anyone have a wood splitting maul I could borrow, or know someone who can split about 20 bucked chunks of wood. We recently had to have an old tree taken down and would like to use it as firewood.
Thank you.

Thanks Geoff for lending me the mail and wedges. It was a big help.

Any thoughts of starting a pickle ball group?

Probably work, used to have one, stalled in Covid. Problem is getting courts, but think you can pre-book Carnarvon courts through Oak Bay Rec Centre. If like to lead we could send out a dedicated Newsletter asking for interest? Also worth seeing how VRMNC Tennis guys organize there’s.

Is it appropriate to use this chat function when looking for a handy man, or perhaps posting something for sale?

Currently no rules, so go for it.

Looking for ride sharing to the golf tourny at Arbutus Ridge Aug 10th. I live in the Hillside Quadra area. – Peter

I will be sending an email message to all registered golfers 2 weeks prior to the golf tournament. This will outline the schedule for the day and suggestions about car pooling. Additionally, you can take a look at the map associated with the member list and try to identify someone living close to you (all markers show member’s name when you zoom in). If you received the last golf tournament email update from me (July 6th), you can see who is currently signed-up.
Take a look at the member list and map here:
Hope this is helpful.

Spring training baseball anyone? Every February or March since 2017 (not covid) I’ve gone to Phoenix for spring training baseball games, golf, sun and more. I’d be interested in helping organize a trip for 2024. Also Mariners trips or perhaps a baseball trip through some of the major league cities.

my wife and I would be interested and maybe down there in 2024. We are thinking a couple of months might break up winter a bit

Great idea. We are still a little Florida centric for spring training. How many teams are in the Arizona area?

Sounds like a great idea. A chance to watch the teams close up at minimal cost and also get to know other club members better.

A small group of us attempted to solve the world’s problems at our weekly Friday morning coffee chat at the Quality Foods coffee shop. A few matters were unresolved when we left just before noon.

One of our topics had several facets: will artificial intelligence programs such as Chat GPT (now ChatGPT4) be a huge detriment to the world, or will such programs, simply allow users, such as us, to do more and do it better.

Your thoughts please!

Our new way of communicating. Asking all members how we should promote this