Meetings of the group provide excellent opportunities to meet and enjoy fellowship with others interested in domestic and international affairs and events that could present investment and financial planning opportunities. Members are encouraged to participate in discussions, share ideas and if it suits their interests, to suggest speakers for future meetings or take responsibility alone or with a team to present at a future meeting. Forming such teams can reveal shared background or interests and deepen friendships.
Meetings include lunch and a presentation (in person as often as possible) from a speaker with financial industry knowledge and experience.
An annual Stock Picking Contest is held where members submit a portfolio of five Canadian companies or ETF’s creating a friendly, rewarding competition
Geoff Owen
- Phone: +1-416-434-8072
- Personal Email
Scott White
- Phone: +1-416-579-6357
- Personal Email
Uplands Golf Course, 3300 Cadboro Bay Rd., Victoria.
Meetings are held the third Friday of each month; no meetings in December, July, or August.
Lunch normally starts at 11:30 AM in the Dining Room and then moves to an adjacent Conference Room for the presentation and discussion.
Open to all VRMNC Members and potential members.
- $5 for Conference Room, towards Speaker’s Lunch and contribution to Stock Picking Contest Prize
- Cost of your lunch ordered.
More Info
See our Calendar and watch for announcements in News and via emailed Newsletters.