
RMG actively participates in the Stock Market with money invested by all members, thus Members are encouraged to share their experience and knowledge.

The world economy, existing market conditions and actual company stock selections are discuss in a round table format.


Tom Glenn

Richard Novek (Backup)


Goward House Oak Room, 2495 Arbutus Rd., Victoria


Meetings are third Thursday of each month, 2:00PM- 4:00PM.


Open to all VRMNC Members and guests who may be interested in joining the club.

However Membership is capped at 25 and is currently at that number.

If you are interested in joining when an opening occurs, please register with the Coordinator.


A new member must initially invest $1,000 to purchase “units” of the club’s portfolio. Further, every member also invests $50/mo. on a continuous basis.

If you choose to leave the club, your accumulated units will be sold at fair market value.

Prospective members, even those with limited investment knowledge, are welcome to attend the first couple of meetings with no obligation.

More Info

See our Calendar and watch for announcements in News and via emailed Newsletters.